About ADI

Small Town Roots, Nationwide Impact
Located in Lincoln, IL, The Academic Development Institute (ADI) is a non-profit corporation founded in 1984 with the mission of assisting families, schools, and communities with children’s academic and personal development. ADI focuses on three areas of research and practice:

The dynamics of change (improvement, innovation, transformation) and the science of indicators
Personal Competencies that propel student learning
The school as a community, including family engagement

Explore Our Services



Step-by-step effective practices to assist School & District Leadership and teams in achieving their vision of student and educator success.

School Community Network

School Community Network

Assisting school teams with creating learning environments--at school and at home--where students thrive.

Strategic Performance Management

Strategic Performance Management

A systems approach in organizing people and their work for excellence in education, for State, Districts, and Charters.

Transformation Academy

Transformation Academy

Guidance for principals and their A-Teams (teachers) in transforming their instructional system and shifting school culture.

Indicators in Action

Indicators in Action & Indicators NOW!

Video courses or mini-sodes displaying effective practice in action, for teachers and leaders.

Browse Our Free Resources

School Community Journal

School Community Journal

Free, open access, online journal that includes research and field reports related to the school as a community.

ADI Publications

ADI Publications

Published works [research reports, practice guides, and books] on current topics of education

ADI Search

ADI Search Engine

Vast database of education research, reports, and resources.

SCN Search

 SCN Search Engine

Resources for Schools
to help in their work with families and the school’s community. 

SCN Parent Resources

SCN Parent Resources

Resources for Parents 
to help in the education of their children (in both English and Spanish) 

Child in School

How We Partner With You

ADI's relationship with a client begins with a conversation to identify the problem.

We synthesize the relevant research to generate ideas that get results. However, these concepts are not enough.  Our team, with diverse experience in schools, districts, state and federal education departments, pass the good ideas through the sieve of common sense, converting them into practical applications to place in the hands of clients. These services include documents and tools, online systems, coaching, consulting, and problem-solving supports until the client crosses the finish line.  View our services and resources in the menu bar for examples of these supports. 

Where We've Been


ADI was founded in 1984 as a non-profit organization.

First Programs

ADI's family engagement and site-based management programs were first established in Chicago.

First Partners

ADI's programs were adopted by the Laboratory for Student Success (LSS) at Temple University in Philadelphia in 1995.


ADI took the lead with LSS to implement a comprehensive school reform model in 13 states.

Leading Illinois

ADI served as the Parent Information and Resource Center (PIRC) in IL for 11 years.

National Content

ADI administered the national Center on Innovation & Improvement for 2005 to 2012. 

National Growth

In 2012, ADI became a partner in three national content centers. 


ADI works nationwide, providing services varying in intensity and duration, from building the awareness and understanding of people to transforming and changing organizations.

Lifelong Learners

 We desire to create lifelong learners, empowering students' supports in and out of the classroom with research on education and personal competencies. Below is a sampling of ADI's scope of work throughout a learner's lifespan.

Birth-3 years

Lincoln Parents' Center

Working with parents in Logan County to form a foundation for success in early learning and development.

1st Day of School - Adulthood

School Community Network

Applying research to practice by connecting parents, communities, and schools in their work to create learning environments where students thrive.

1st Day of School- High School


Working with schools, districts, and states on getting better at their professions to provide quality education for students through high school.

8th Grade- College

Liftoff Youth Development Program

Boosting the prospects of students in Logan County, Illinois, so that they aspire to attend college, prepare for college success, and persist to complete college.

Contact Us

Academic Development Institute
121 N. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656

Metro East Parent Connection
3131 State Street East St. Louis, Illinois 62205

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