The Transformation Academy guides principals and their A-Teams (teachers) in transforming their instructional system and shifting school culture.
The Academic Development Institute (ADI), in its partnership with WestEd in the Center on School Turnaround, played a key role in developing the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement, a framework that is now a guiding document for many states, districts, and schools. The “four domains” are Leadership, Talent, Instruction, and Culture.
In 2017, ADI launched the Transformation Academy to provide school-level training on two of the domains—Instruction and Culture, both of which naturally also address aspects of Leadership and Talent.
The Transformation Academy now includes:
For principals with district liaisons.
For principals and lead teachers with district liaisons.
For teachers, principals, and district personnel who work with teachers.
For three-member school teams (principal, teacher, parent) with district liaisons.
For a team of 3-4 District Staff (including Superintendent)
Jump-Starting Instructional Transformation depends upon the Transformer-in-Chief (the participating principal) working closely with an A-Team of two or more teachers gathered for purposes of transforming instruction. The principal attends the four, one-day training sessions and engages the A-Team during the intersession weeks with agendas and implementation materials introduced in the training sessions.
So many participants have stated it’s the best professional development they’re received their entire career. Knowing the impact it’s had on our principals, we have to continue it.
Deep Dive in Instructional Transformation is an advanced learning opportunity for principals (and their district and state supporters) who have completed the four sessions of Jump-Starting Instructional Transformation. In Jump-Starting Instructional Transformation, the principal works with an A-Team of teachers in the school to implement the tasks introduced to the principal at the sessions. In Deep Dive’s four sessions, two teachers join the principal for the sessions and work closely with the principal to implement the tasks at the school.
Wow! Where do I start? My entire thought process has changed. I look at everything differently, and my leadership skills will be much better for next year. I better understand the meaning of “transformation."
Build Learning Habits is based on the pioneering work of the Center on Innovations in Learning (CIL) at Temple University. CIL’s research and content development for instructional design follows two parallel tracks: (1) Strengthen the fundamentals of basic lesson design, and (2) Enhance strong lessons with strategies to build students’ capabilities as learners.
I feel that the Transformation Academy has significantly impacted the level of collaboration between school leaders and members of the A-Team. In addition, I trul y believe leaders are more cognizant of the amount of time spent with building capacity
in others and increasing learning opportunities for students.
The Culture Shift Initiative equips a Culture Shift Team (principal, teacher, parent) to guide the school community in reviewing the current school culture, describing the ideal school culture, and closing the gap between the two.
The “A‐team” has created a PLC that is a true “change engine” in how our school now approaches the instructional processes as we meet the needs of our students.